Vagus, Baby! (… the vagus nerve, that is.)

May 8, 2013
“Going to Vagus” to calm your nerves sounds like a oxymoron, doesn’t it?  But I’m not referring to the Vegas of bright lights, tassel bras, money loss, and wafting cigarette smoke that makes your hair smell like a tavern.  I’m talking about your vagus nerve,  the magical, multi-functional nerve that activates your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS.) The Vagus Nerve is one of 12 cranial nerves; the one that many believe to be the most important in our nervous system.  The word “vagus” in Latin means vagabond or wanderer… and it is thought of as the “wandering nerve” due to its far-reaching capabilities. It is the longest nerve in the body and it supplies the throat, thorax, abdominal muscles and other organs with nerves, as well as provides many other functions.  Because it stretches all the way from your gut into your brainstem (medulla), it quite literally provides that mind-body connection that we hear so much about.  It is the wiring between your head and your belly, and it acts as a highly intelligent communication device that tells your body how to react.

“calm” photo by Michelle Gillette Coaching

Why should you care about it?  Because an activated vagus nerve is like the unsung super-hero of our body, capable of amazing feats.  Science has proven that vagus nerve can help do the following: …just to name a few benefits.  It’s like the kick-ass jack-knife of nerves, only it wont set off alarms at the airport. In this case, what happens in vagus, doesn’t stay in vagus….  it reaches every part of our body and aids us in so many beneficial ways. So how do we honor our vagus nerve, and keep it healthy and activated?  The fabulous news is that we can stimulate our vagus nerve, for free, by simply practicing deep belly breathing.  Yes, that’s right.  No fancy pharmaceuticals, Himalayan hikes or expensive supplements required.  It feeds on air. Here are some easy steps: 1.  Take a deep breath and let the breath expand in your abdomen (this will also expand your diaphragm.) 2.  Hold the breath in for at least 5 seconds. 3.  Make a small hole in your mouth by pursing your lips, and slowly exhale….. (try to make the exhale longer than the inhale.) 4. Focus on the breath and on keeping this a slow process.  Ideally, this deep abdomen breathing will slow down your breathing to about 5 breaths per minute vs. the average 12+ breaths per minute.

Photo by Michelle Gillette. Bahamas.

In addition to deep belly breathing, yoga, meditation, relaxation, massages, cuddling, hugging, Qi gong, loving kindness meditations, playing with beloved pets, all those practices have been proven to help activate the vagus nerve as well.  Honoring it is one of the most beneficial things we can teach our ourselves, and our kids to do!

How will you thank your vagus nerve today?  What daily practice can you add into your life to pay tribute to this beautifully talented, highly sensitive, internal traveler of yours?  Are you willing to commit to blowing it a few kisses each day?  Can you incorporate deeper, slower, more mindful breathing and movements into your walks or swims?  Can you take a few moments to just breathe and float in the bath, ocean or pool? The benefits of loving our vagus can be astounding. Please let me know how you will honor yours in the comments below…  xo ——————————— To learn more about the benefits of the vagus nerve, check out these articles/references: http://risinglifemedia.com/?p=1701 http://drhyman.com/blog/2010/08/25/how-the-dalai-lama-can-help-you-live-to-120/ httphttp://www.wisegeek.com/contest/what-is-vagus-nerve-stimulation-or-vns htms://sites.google.com/site/stanleyguansite/health/health-tips/breathe-deeply-to-activate-vagus-nerve http://www.theatlantic.com/sexes/archive/2013/01/theres-no-such-thing-as-everlasting-love-according-to-science/267199/ http://www.realage.com/anti-aging/staying-young-training-vagus-nerve Walking meditation: http://taoism.about.com/od/meditation/ht/walking.htm

4 responses to “Vagus, Baby! (… the vagus nerve, that is.)”

  1. Big huggggs to you for having such a nice handwriting. You’re smart my friend.

    Love you

    Xxx Nath

  2. Michelle says:

    Great blog entry…everyone one needs to go to Vegas…I mean connect with the vagus….. 🙂

  3. Anne says:

    I love this, Michelle. I am breathing deeply as I write. And you are a wicked good writer, keep it up!

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About Michelle

I help clients reboot and invigorate their lives! I do this by guiding them as they gain clarity on what they truly want in their careers/ relationships/ lives; by coaching them as they create actionable plans to achieve their goals, and by supporting them as they create sustainable habits that lead to more meaningful, purpose-driven, healthier lives!